ルイス・エスコバルのカリフォルニア・ランニング通信 #1 / ウルトラマラソンと銀のバックル
写真/文:ルイス・エスコバル 訳:大島竜也/三田正明
7月31日に掲載されたTRAIL TALK#002にも登場してくれた、カリフォルニア在住の写真家ルイス・エスコバルの連載がスタート!自他共に認めるカリフォルニアのランニング・コミュニティのキーパーソンにして、あのランナーのバイブル『BORN TO RUN』の表紙写真も撮影したルイスによる、アメリカのランニング・カルチャーの歴史といまを伝える連続コラムです。どうぞ美麗な写真と共にお楽しみください!
■ウルトラマラソンと銀のバックル / It’s all about the buckle
現在では銀のバックルは耐久ランニング・レースの象徴とされており、ウエスタン式のベルトバックルはヴァーモントからホノルルにいたるまで、最高位のランナーの栄冠として認知されている。こうしてウエスタンステイツ・100マイル・ランを24時間以内でゴールしたアスリートに、“100 miles 1 day”と文字が彫られた銀のバックルが贈られることになったのだった。
ウエスタンステイツ・ 100マイル・エンデュランスランのWebsiteより:
It’s all about the buckle by Luis Escobar
The Tevis Cup is a 100 mile equestrian endurance ride. It is an amateur event that has been held since 1955. The Tevis Cup is considered to be the founding ride of endurance horseback riding. Many modern endurance events have been based on the efforts of the Western States Trail Foundation who is the sponsor of the Tevis Cup. The ride starts near the Squaw Valley Ski Resort at Lake Tahoe. It traverses the historic Western States Trail through the heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range and finishes 100 miles away in the historic gold rush town of Auburn California. Each rider who completes the 100-mile course within the 24-hour limit and whose mount is judged “fit to continue” can elect to receive the iconic award of completion – a silver western belt buckle.
The Western States Endurance Run was first completed by Gordon Ainsleigh in 1974. He had finished the Tevis Cup on horseback in 1971 and 1972. In 1973 his horse was injured and unable to complete the ride. In 1974, Gordy decided to attempt the 100 mile horse ride on foot. On Saturday morning, August 3, 1974 in Squaw Valley, with bib number 0 pinned to his chest, Gordy lined up with the horses. At 5:00am the starters gun fired, the horses trotted away, Gordy ran towards the mountains and directly into endurance history. Twenty-three hours and forty-two minutes later Gordy showed up in Auburn. He did what had never been done. On that single summer day, Gordon Ainsleigh proved that a runner could actually traverse 100 miles of the rugged Western States Trail on foot.
The Tevis Cup is a horseback ride – it is not a run – in 1974 there was no “runners category”. At the finish of his historic run, Gordy was presented with the Tevis Cup’s award of completion – a silver western belt buckle. In one day, Gordon Ainsleigh had created a sport and a established tradition. Today, the Silver Buckle is the icon of endurance running. From Vermont to Honolulu a western style belt buckle is recognized as a the highest level of running achievement.
To this day, athletes who complete the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run in 24 hours or less, will receive the Silver Buckle which is engraved with the words “One Hundred Miles One Day”
From the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run website:
“The Silver Buckle is perhaps the most coveted award in ultrarunning. With roots going back to the award given out to finishers of the Tevis Ride, the belt buckle has now become the standard for 100 mile races in the US. Some shorter races even award buckles to finishers. The Western States Silver Buckle has been hand crafted by the family run business Comstock Heritage in Carson City, NV since the beginning. Below is a picture of the buckle given to the winner. All sub-24 hour finishers receive a similar buckle. Note that because these are handcrafted, no two buckles will look exactly alike.”