ルイス・エスコバルのカリフォルニア・ランニング通信#4 / デス・バレーからマウント・ホイットニーまでの234km


文  ルイス・エスコバル   写真  クリス・クレメンス   訳  大島竜也/三田正明

4回目となる写真家ルイス・エスコバルのカリフォルニア・ランニング通信。今回はデスバレー内のバッドウォーター(海抜−86 m) をスタートし、合衆国本土最高峰マウント・ホイットニー山頂(4,418m)をゴールとする、距離234 km、累積標高5,700m、最高気温50度強という過酷なルートをセルフエイドで走破するというイベントを紹介してくれています。灼熱の荒野を行く、極限の長距離ランニングの様子を写真と一緒にお楽しみください。

■デス・バレーからマウント・ホイットニーまでの234km/Death Valley to Mount Whitney Summit 146





































■Death Valley to Mount Whitney Summit 146 By Luis Escobar

Text : Luis Escobar
Photo : Chris Clemens

Imagine the floor of a dry sea or the bottom of an ocean with no water.

The Badwater Basin is located on Highway 190 in the far eastern corner of Death Valley California. At two hundred and eighty two feet below sea level, it is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. In Death Valley the mid summer air is heavy with heat and the taste of burnt rock and sand. It is a place of intense saturation, everything here is exaggerated, it all seems bigger than life. The colors are more vivid, deep and bright. The wind is strong and it caries pellets of hot sand and searing blades of heat. The plants and animals here wear thick coats of heat reflecting armor. There is no water, there are no trees, there is no shade. The desert offers no comfort, no sympathy and absolutely no relief.

Coincidentally, just 146 miles away from the Badwater Basin stands the rocky and majestic summit of Mt. Whitney. At 14,505 feet above sea level, the peak of Mt. Whitney is the highest spot in the contiguous United States. Between the two points, there are three windswept desert valleys (Death Valley, the Panamint Valley and the Owens Valley) In addition, there are three tall mountain passes (Towne Pass 4956′ and Fr. Crowley Pass 4879′ and Mt. Whitney summit 14,505′) There is 135 miles of undulating, heat radiating, black pavement and 11 miles of arduous, rocky, single track trail. The total cumulative elevation gain between the two points exceeds 19,000 feet.

The Badwater to Mt. Whitney 146 route is a tempting problem for an adventurous long distance runner. Summer running in Death Valley California is a serious and dangerous undertaking. It should not to be taken lightly. The conditions here are extreme, there is no support, no communication and no real exit. When you run in Death Valley you are an uninvited guest. The desert is indifferent. There are deadly consequences. Enter with respect and caution.

At 7:00am on Saturday, July 19, 2014, my good friend, Mauricio Puerto and I stood on the salt flat floor of the Badwater Basin. It was 110 degrees. Before us we could see Highway 190 disappear into the shimmering desert. The road was glossy with heat and glaring sun light. We had a support crew of three friends, one truck and one car that would follow us on our journey through the desert.

Our run would be pure, self aided, not affiliated with any organized event. This was not a race. We were standing at the bottom of the earth, we were running to the top and we were on our own.

Our first goal was the 16 mile section to the ranch at Furnace Creek. This entire distance is well below sea level. The late morning air was thick, calm and dry. The soles of our shoes were softened by the hot street. We would run on the white line for relief from the black pavement.After some heat related car trouble, we arrived at Furnace Creek (mile 16). We were hot and dry but in full control.

Our next goal was the long 26 mile section between the Furnace Creek Ranch and the tiny community of Stovepipe Wells. This is a particularly dangerous section of road. We would be running in the hottest part of the desert, during the hottest time of the day. The strong afternoon side wind rushes across the hot gravel and rock which creates a powerful confection effect. Here the ambient temperature was well over 125 degrees. In addition, the midsummer tourist traffic on Highway 190 is high. Drivers and tour busses are not expecting to see people running. They are either driving very fast or stopping to take pictures of us. Either way, it’s an awkward encounter and it is very important to pay close attention to the road conditions weather and traffic.

We arrived at Stovepipe Wells (mile 43) in the early evening. We had a light dinner of turkey and avocado wraps, warm chicken soup and Popsicles. After a quick dip in the motel pool, we changed into our night time running gear and headed out towards the sunset.

Stovepipe Wells to Towne Pass Summit is a 18 mile assent from elevation zero below to nearly 5000 feet above. We ran what we could and walked what we could not. Near the summit we decided to rest. We spread tarps on the ground and slept uncomfortably for nearly three hours.

By 4:00AM on day two we were back on our feet and moving toward the summit at Towne Pass(mile 61). Here Highway 190 is steep, winding and narrow. Side by side for nearly 24 hours, Mauricio and I had now run through Death Valley and when dawn broke on the second morning, we were looking across the Panamint Valley.

The 11 mile descent into the Panamint Valley is steep, south facing, exposed and white hot. We scrambled into the Panamint Springs Resort (mile 72) in the late morning on Sunday, July 20. There we refueled our support vehicles and ourselves. After a long break, a big meal and plenty of cold drinks we started up towards the overlook at Fr. Crowley Summit.

The next point of significance is the high desert turn near Darwin. There is nothing at the Darwin turn but a sign post pointing the way to the dry Owens Lakebed and the tiny town of Keeler several dusty miles below.We were traveling west as evening fell on day two, running into a dramatic sunset and directly towards the High Sierra. Langley, Olancha and Whitney are now clearly in our view.It was about 2:00Am on Monday, July 21 when we decided to take another break. Somewhere outside of Keeler, we spread our tarps on the ground and laid there side by side, snoring into a star lit desert sky.

We were up and running again prior to sunrise. As we descended into the Owens Valley, the sun was rising and so was the temperature. It was 110 degrees by 7:00am close to 130 by noon. Outside of the town of Lone Pine, we turned right onto Highway 395. For the first time in almost three days we were now running in the shade of trees. Soon we pass through the busy little town and away from the shelter of the Cottonwoods. We are now moving through the Alabama Hills on Whitney Portal Road. It is very hot, the road is steep and long but the summit of Whitney seems close enough to touch.

It is early afternoon when we reach the Whitney Store (mile 135) We are now at 8,000 feet. The mountain air is cool and sweet with pine. We treat ourselves to a burger and a cold beer. It’s about 7:00pm when we depart the store and step on a dirt trail for the first time in two and a half days. Sporting trekking poles, headlamps, down jackets, long pants and a small day pack we work our way past Crystal Lake towards the summit.

Night comes fast, hard and cold. We are in luck, although it is very cold the trail is clean and well defined. We are moving slowly and deliberately up the famous 99 switchbacks. We are now well above the timber line, the trail is field of scree, scrabble and loose rock. It is very dark and very cold as we traverse the thin spines and ridges. At around 14,000 feet above the sea and maybe thirty minutes from the Whitney Summit the trail clings to a vertical cliff face and then traverses a razor thin ridge. On my left is the Owens Valley and the town of Lone Pine. To my right is the Western Sierra and Sequoia National Park. This is a “you fall you die precipitous drop”.

It is on cold and unstable legs that we reach the rocky summit of Mt. Whitney (mile 146) it had taken us just over 66 hours of nearly continuous motion to get to this point. Standing there on the highest spot in the lower fourth-eight, we take a few photos with our shaking hands. It is 1:30am on Tuesday, July 24 when we retreat to the Stone Hut for shelter. There we wait for sunrise and then retrace our steps 11 miles back down the mountain.

The Badwater to Mount Whitney Summit 146 may not be for everyone. It is very difficult, it is dangerous and expensive. This was my 4th time to make the trek and for me it is a humbling and enriching experience.There are secrets hidden in those deserts and high mountain passes. There are secrets hidden beyond physical and mental exhaustion. There are lessons to be learned out there.

This essay is dedicated to our crew, the Clemens brothers, Chris and Tyler and the young Gregorio Ponce. Extreme long distance running is a team activity and without these boys our journey would not have happened. They were selfless and attentive. I am forever grateful.

Special thanks to Chris Clemens who documented the run with his camera.

Thanks to my friend and running partner, Mauricio Puerto. I appreciate your patience and tolerance. Most of all thank you to my wife Beverly for her continued trust and support.



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Luis Escobar

Luis Escobar

写真家/ランナー。カリフォルニア州サンタマリアで写真スタジオを営みながら、高校のクロスカントリー・コーチやレース・ディレクターとしても活動を行っている。過去30年以上のランニング・キャリアを持ち、北米最大のレースのひとつWestern States 100 Miles Endurance Runには連続20回以上出場している。世界的ベストセラーになったクリス・マクドゥーガル著『BORN TO RUN』で描かれた伝説的な第一回Copper Canyon Ultra Marathonに参加し、メキシコの「走る民族」タラウマラ族と世界的ウルトラランナーたちとの貴重な出会いの瞬間を写真に納めた。クリス・マクドゥーガル自らの命名によるランナーズ・イベントBorn to Run Ultra Marathonsのディレクターも勤めるカリフォルニア・ランニング・コミュニティのキーパーソン。詳しくは、2014.07.31に掲載されたTRAIL TALK #002を参照。




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パックラフト・アディクト | #46 タンデム艇のABC 〜ウルトラライトな2人艇のススメ〜


北アルプスに残されたラストフロンティア #04 | 伊藤新道を旅する(前編) 湯俣〜三俣山荘
TOKYO ONSEN HIKING #14 | 鐘ヶ嶽・七沢荘
TODAY’S BEER RUN #06 | アンテナアメリカ 関内店 (関内)





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